Health and Wellness Crew
The Health and Wellness Crew (HAWC) is made up of students who are trained as certified peer health educators. We're here to answer questions, offer support and provide resources.
Connect With Us
The life of a university student is both challenging and exciting, and sometimes incredibly stressful. We're here to help! You can keep up to date on the events we're doing on our ConnectSU page, accessible using your Seattle University email address.
If you'd like to find a time to meet with a HAWC member, you can use this form. The role a HAWC member plays can be flexible, depending on what type of support you're looking for. You can meet just once, weekly, as often or rarely as needed—within the availability of team members. Member office hours can be found in our ConnectSU page under events.
What Can I Talk to HAWC About?
- You're an RA and want information for a bulletin board.
- You need to have a tough conversation with someone in your life but aren't sure how.
- You feel lonely on campus.
- You want to cultivate healthier habits—less procrastinating, stop smoking, more exercising, etc.
See the HAWC Team
Contact Us
Student Center 380
Health and Wellness Crew